Wrestlers I've Adopted

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Fake Official Sites

Fake Official Sites

This list is courtesy of The Bloodbath.com

We feel there was a need to post the sites we know or suspect are fakes. The reason we know these sites are fake is that the WWF or the wrestlers themselves have disputed them, or the webmasters have admitted it. What I'm asking is that if you agree that these shits need to be stopped, copy and paste the above onto your site. I'm going to have a graphic you can put on your site to show your support.
If you know of any fake official sites e-mail Cage or Legend .
JasonReso.com - The mother of all fake official sites. Claimed to be the official site of Jason Reso/Christian, yet WWF denied it was official. Still claims it to this day. Oh yeah, I have been told by several people that when asked, Jason doesn't know a damn thing about this site. So go stick a dildo up your ass, Jos!
Official Mean Street Posse site - Run by the same bitches that put up JasonReso.com. One of the bitches e-mailed us whining about how we caused her site to lose credibility. Well, all we can say is, "Fuck you"! Now go back to flipping burgers at McDonald's. Do you want fries with that humble pie?
Copeland's Crew - If you would like to visit this site, be sure you use IE because when Jos stole the graphics, she was using AOL, which saves every graphic as .art. Anyway, I guess Jos figured out that MS Paint can't read .art files, so she just stuck them up there anyway. Oh yeah, if you can stop projectile vomiting long enough, be sure to visit the engagement page. It's a fucking scream!
Test's Team - You know, if I was going to do a fake official site, I wouldn't claim to run about 87,901 other official sites for wrestlers. Everyone is on to the Ring Ratz asses, and they know it. They still keep on lying though. They keep sliding their shitty websites down the internet like Taco Bell through a colon. Hell, I wouldn't even have to post this here to let everyone know it's fake. All you have to do is look at the awfulness of it. Oh yeah check out this statement on their page (unedited):

Disclaimer: We are indeed affiliated with Andrew "Test" Martin. This page was born on June 5th, 1999. We are also affiliated with Val Venis, The Old Brood, and Luna. Other than that, all other WWF wrestlers, officials, and workers are in no connection with us. If you have any questions, comments, reports of dead links, or any problems, please e-mail us.

Has everyone stopped laughing yet? Anyway, what happened to that "official" MSP site, bitch?
Gangrel's Gothic Groupies - I don't have the URL to this, but it's also run by ... *sigh* you guessed it, the Ring Ratz. I wish I had the URL so I could visit it and rip it a new asshole.
Road Dogg Online - Oooh, look, someone knows how to download a warez version of Macromedia Flash. Too bad they used MS Paintbrush to render the graphics. Too bad Road Dogg, when asked, didn't know a damn thing about the site.

Official Crash Holly Website - I believe that I know the secret to getting fake official websites - bad HTML skills. Check out his commentary on the site - "This web site will not be updated until further notice due to difficulties with calling it official." Well I guess people saw through the crappy site, much like they did with the three sites above. Either that, or the WWF threatened to sue his ass, and he didn't want his parents to find out.
The Official Vic Grimes Website - Man, lemme tell you something, if Vic Grimes knew that some asshole was claiming to have his official site without permission, he'd probably kill the motherfucker. I'm not kidding. Run by the same idiot who claimed to have the "official" Crash Holly site. Man, 6th graders these days are really busy.